1,000 Gospel Conversations

1,000 Gospel Conversations

At City Church, we take seriously the call to share our faith with others. With over 600,000 expats in the city, the harvest is truly plentiful! As Elders, we are praying that the LORD would send us out into the harvest field. While we can’t create conversion (that is a work of the Holy Spirit) we can start a conversation.

Our prayer is that we will have 1,000 gospel conversations within the next year.

What is a gospel conversation?
It’s an intentional conversation you have with a non-believer, where you seek to share with them that a relationship with God is found in Jesus Christ.

Maybe you share your testimony.
Maybe you get them to question their worldview.
Maybe you use a “gospel bridge” to turn an everyday conversation to Jesus.

Regardless of the strategy, the goal of each is the same. You desire to plainly share with others the great hope they can find in Jesus!

Our prayer is that while our conversations till, plant and water, GOD would bring the growth and a radical movement of God would be seen in the city. Join us as we joyfully share the good news in this city.

If you have a Gospel conversation, we want to hear about it. We want to rejoice with you. We want to pray with you. We want to give thanks to our great God who has given you boldness to proclaim His excellence.

When you have a conversation, please scan the QR code, and let us know!

Contact citychurch@bicf.org for more information.