What is the Church

What is the Church

By: Aaron Clifford

During this time we have begun to redefine what the church looks like. For most of us we have the notion that Church is a building. We have four walls and we have music, a message and we have offering. Is this really what the church is supposed to look like? When we look at the early Church this was not the case. They understood that the church was not what we think of the church today. 

We read in 1 Corinthians 

“Do you not know that you are the temple (Church) of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”

I Corinthians 3:16 

As Christians we are the Church, we are the temple of God. The Church is where God dwells. We are the dwelling place of the Lord. 

“Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.”

Psalms 90:1 

God has been our dwelling place for generations. Now we are his dwelling place.

This year we have experienced and are still experiencing this Global pandemic of COVID-19. And what we think church is supposed to be has changed. We are no longer worshipping in a building and we are in some sense reverting back to what the early church looked like. We aren’t so focused on a building anymore we are more focused on Christ and the Gospel message. 

The early church met in homes and worshipped together. In 2020 we are meeting online and worshiping together. We are beginning to see shift from the building to the heart. We have kinda come full circle. The early church was a church without walls. In 2020 the church has become a church without walls.

As we continue through this pandemic let’s remember that we are the church. We are are the temple. We are the body of Christ. 

Let’s continue to fix our eyes on Christ and join hand in hand and heart to heart and pray for God to move like we’ve never seen it before.

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