Sermons on BICF Korean
As good as it gets / 好的不能再好了 / 이보다 더 행복할 수 있다
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Let’s start again! / 重新开始! / 다시 시작하자!
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Restore the sparkle to my eyes / 使我眼目光明 / 빛나는 눈동자
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The Nameless Disciple / 无名的门徒 / 무명한 자 같으나
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Paul’s Conversion / 保罗的转变 / 나는 과연 회심했는가?
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The Breaking of Bread / 擘饼的意义 / 떡을 떼어 주는 교회
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The Persecution / 迫害 / 크게 울다
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The way of the Cross , The life of Martyr / 十字架的道路, 殉道者的生命 / 십자가의 길, 순교자의 삶
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THE FACE OF AN ANGEL / 好像天使的面貌 / 얼굴이 빛나는 사람
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Gathering, Growing, Going / 成长的圣徒们 / 성장하는 그리스도인
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