(formerly BICF ZGC)
We are happy to have you here!
We gather EVERY SUNDAY AT 10:30am in TTY to worship together through songs, the teaching of the Word, and prayer.
During the week we gather in dorm rooms, apartments, restaurants, parks – our Father owns this city! As we each share some of our time, talents, and treasures we see Him do great things for the glory of His name.
BICF GREENHOUSE CHURCH (formerly BICF ZGC) was planted in 2004 at the heart of Beijing’s academic communities with a vision to reach the city’s international students, researchers and teachers. However, all internationals are welcome, not just academics!
Together we GATHER, GROW and GO.
We are a diverse crowd of imperfect people from many nations and different Christian traditions. We welcome you to GATHER with us to worship the one great God and Saviour as one church family. Together we preview the day those from ‘every tongue, tribe, people, and nation’ will gather before Him. It is he who is the Chief Gatherer and he enlists us to gather yet others into the joy of His family.

All of us need the support of a church family to continue to GROW. Knowing Jesus is not a one-time experience but a life-long joyful journey. We believe joining a Small Group and serving the body are some of the best ways to grow.
Many come to Beijing and join us for just a short season. Our desire is to help you be stronger in your Christian walk and witness, both here in this city and as you GO to the next place God sends you.
To see our mission, vision and values, follow the link “ABOUT BICF GREENHOUSE CHURCH“.

Connect and get informed
We look forward to connect with you! Please email greenhouse@bicf.org or scan the QR code to connect to us or ask for additional information about our church and its activities.
See GREENHOUSE CHURCH LIFE to find out about our regular activities.
Please note, due to local government regulations, BICF GREENHOUSE CHURCH services and other activities are open to foreign passport holders only.